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Contact Centre

8.12.19 - Unfortunately we have had to close this centre for the foreseeable future

In 2015 Dahlia Reid, the then Mothers’ Union Area Vice President for Stepney had the idea of Mothers’ Union would providing a contact centre for the families in the Stepney Area. The previous one had closed and it was thought that there was a need.  Volunteers have come forward including a supervisor, a venue has been found and the ground work completed with DBS checks, health and safety put in place, affiliation and training with the NACCC.
A Child Contact Centre is a safe and neutral place where children of separated families can spend quality time with one or both parents and sometimes other family members when there is no viable alternative.
Contact is child centred and by working in partnership with parents, carers and other professionals we aim to support the children’s physical, emotional and social development through knowing both sides of their family.
  • The Centre was officially opened by the Bishop of Stepney, the Rt. Revd Adrian Newman on Saturday 10th March 2018
  • “Children First Stepney Contact Centre” is a “Supported Contact Centre” and the volunteers are not responsible for the children
  • The Contact Centre is associated  and accredited with the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC)
  • The Contact Centre is located at St. James’ Hall, St. James’ Church Lower Clapton Road, London E5 8EG.
  • The Centre is open the second and third Saturday per month
         10 am to 12 noon
  • The Contact Centre is a London Diocese Mothers’ Union project.


The Team with the Bishop of Stepney, the Rt. Revd Adrian Newman 

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