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Emergency Prayer Chains

Emergency Prayer Network
The Emergency Prayer Network was established in the Diocese of London in 1984 at the suggestion of the then Diocesan President Rosemary Johnson.  Alfreda Hayes, as the Prayer and Spirituality Representative at the time, was responsible for the setting up and launch of the project. 
The response quickly showed the need for the network and for over 30 years the Prayer Network teams have offered prayerful support to those in need. It must be such a comforting feeling knowing that people are praying for them.   
We have, at the present time, one team covering the Edmonton and Stepney Areas, one covering the Kensington Area and another the Willesden Area.
Prayer is important work of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as they are always interceding for our needs any time we pray, even when we are too weak or too tired to pray.  Prayer is at the heart of all we do in the Mothers’ Union. 
For further information please contact the Mothers’ Union London office: mothers.union@london.anglican.org    
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