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London Diocese Monthly Prayer Diary

Monthly Prayer Diary 2022-2024



“Let my prayer be as incense before you, O Lord”
Day 1
Today we pray for the Worldwide President Sheran Harper, the Central Trustees, and all members in the Britain and Ireland Provinces.
Day 2
Pray for the staff at Mary Sumner House. For children baptised in our churches and for our own godchildren. Pray for members in Central Barnet deanery.
Day 3
Pray for our Provincial President, Kathryn Anderson. Remember the hungry in the world, relief agencies and the UN. Pray for members
in West Barnet deanery.
Day 4
Pray for our Diocesan President Sue Johnson, our Trustees and for our link diocese of Butere in Kenya Remember all single people in our churches.
Day 5
Pray for Sue Laurie, Unit Co-ordinator for Action & Outreach, and for our link diocese of the Province of USA. Pray for members in Enfield deanery.
Day 6
Pray for the AFIA project and for all disadvantaged families. Pray for our link diocese of Nnewi in Nigeria. Pray for members in our neighbouring Diocese in Canterbury Province.
Day 7
Pray for David Loftus MBE, the Diocesan Treasurer. Remember our link diocese of El Obeid in Sudan.
Day 8
Pray for the MU chaplains, Revd. Helen Askwith (Willesden), Revd. Bruce Batstone (Edmonton) Revd. Tunde Roberts (Stepney) and Revd. Karen Wellman (Kensington). Pray for MU members worldwide and their families
Day 9
Remember today the bereaved and those who comfort them. Pray for members in Chelsea and Kensington deaneries.
Day 10
Pray for all involved with ‘In Touch’ Magazine. Remember the sick and suffering and all who care for them. Pray for members in Hounslow deanery.
Day 11
Remember all who work in or visit Diocesan House. Pray for members in Hammersmith deanery.
Day 12
Pray for Sarah, Bishop of London, and her family, for world peace and Christian unity. Pray for members in Hampton deanery.
Day 13
Remember today the Area Bishops: The Rt. Revd. Lusa Nsenga Ngoy (Willesden), the Rt. Revd. Rob Wickham (Edmonton), The Rt. Revd. Dr. Joanne Grenfell (Stepney) and the Rt. Revd. Dr. Graham Tomlin (Kensington). Pray for members in Hackney deanery.
Day 14
Pray for Allyson Williams MBE, Faith & Policy Unit Co-ordinator. Pray for members in the Haringey East/West deaneries.
Day 15
Pray for Margaret Blazey, Finance and Office Administration Co-ordinator. Remember those who are persecuted for their faith and those
who work for justice.
Day 16
Pray for the Area Vice Presidents: Folake Roberts, Sharon Fergus, Pauline McCalla, and Dorothy Nnene. Remember the lonely, the depressed, and the unloved. Pray for members in Spelthorne deanery.
Day 17
Pray for the Diocese in Europe and for Marion Jadon in Jerusalem. Remember our churches, clergy, lay readers, PCCs and all lay involvement.
Day 18
Remember the Marylebone Project, homeless and women’s refuges and those involved in making up the Home Basics boxes.
Day 19
Pray for additional links – Brisbane, Australia, and friends in Uganda.  Pray for God’s blessing on all marriages and all families. Pray for members in Islington deanery.
Day 20
All Diocesan MU Speakers as they encourage new membership. Remember all Christian Youth Organisations and their leaders.

Day 21
Pray for strength, courage and God’s wisdom for all Clergy, young and old. Remember the Theological Colleges and the Clergy students in training. Also pray for the elderly and one-parent families.
Day 22
Pray for Gogo-Rose Ilo, Diocesan Members’ Co-Ordinator. Pray for the homeless, refugees and immigrants in the UK.
Day 23
Pray for MU Enterprise. Remember the unemployed and the poor. Pray for members in Westminster (Paddington) deanery.
Day 24
Pray for our Social Policy work, for victims of abuse and for a change of heart in abusers. Pray for members in Brent deanery.
Day 25
Pray for our CEO Beverley Jullien. Remember the children who attend our Sunday Schools and their teachers. Pray for members in Ealing deanery.
Day 26
Pray for the Emergency Prayer Network teams in the Diocese as they listen to, pray, and pass on messages for those in special need.
Day 27
Pray for Fiona Yates our Diocesan Administrator. Remember forthcoming Diocesan and MU events. Pray for members in Harrow deanery

Day 28
Pray for the 3Cs’ project in Great Ormond Street Hospital and Mary Findlow the Co- Ordinator. Remember pupils, students and staff in schools and colleges. Pray for members in Hillingdon deanery.
Day 29
Pray for all Branch Leaders, Secretaries and Treasurers. Remember all those with drug and alcohol problems and the people working with them.
Day 30
Pray for all prisoners and Prison staff in the Diocese and associated MU projects.  
Day 31
Pray that the work of the Mothers’ Union be for the glory of God and for the furthering of His Kingdom.


All this day, O Lord,
let me touch as many lives
as possible for thee;
and every life I touch,
do thou by thy Spirit quicken,
whether through the word I speak,
the prayer I breathe,
or the life I live.
(Mary Sumner’s Personal Prayer)

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