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Wave of Prayer - Diocesan Links


Wave of Prayer, as the name implies, is that at any time during the twenty four hour span, someone is praying.  Mothers’ Union use the Wave of Prayer as a lifeline to communicate the five aims it aspires to, to members and non- members across the world.

The energy of the Mothers’ Union in prayer is like a wave that moves across the world and especially to the five countries the London Diocese is linked to which are; El Obeid (South Sudan), Butere (Kenya), Nnewi (Nigeria), Province of the USA (based around New York) and London (England).  Between the 9th and 11th July each year members of the London Diocese join in the Wave of Prayer praying for each others' needs in our linked diocese and the workers and members of the Mothers Union give thanks for the love and fellowship that we share.
In 1890 Mothers’ Union in London Diocese was founded by the wife of the then Bishop of London, Frederick Temple. Mary Sumner was invited to speak about the Rules and Objectives of the Mothers’ Union.  At this meeting, 90 women attended. Mary Sumner’s first objective was to create a band of women who would pray for their homes and their families. This was the beginning of the Wave of Prayer, as we know it today, and commenced in 1921.


Butere:  A town in Western Kenya and the capital of Butere District. The name Butere comes from one of the main clans in the area and have traditionally been small scale farmers planting sorghum, millet and vegetables which they trade with their neighbours from South Nyanza for fish from Lake Victoria.

The Diocese of Butere was created in 1993 out of the diocese of Maseno North and now has over 4,700 members all of whom are active within their local communities. Mothers’ Union, the hub of the community, have a variety of projects eg; Income generating projects, nutrition, HIV/AIDS etc.

EL Obeid: The Diocese of El Obeid is in Sudan and is one of only four diocese in the Province. This diocese serves the whole region of Darfur on the West of Sudan and the state of North Kordofan. There are four parishes (some with sub-parishes) and a chapel in the Africa UN base. The majority of the population are Muslim with a very small Christian presence with an active Mothers’ Union that reach out to others in the community wherever they can.

Because of the bilateral relations between South Sudan and Sudan at present there is on- going conflict and now between North and South Sudan. This has heightened the tension for intervention from countries that would help bring peace.

Province of The USA: The President (Annie Beckley) was at the AGM celebrations at Winchester Cathedral (2016). She was able to speak to our member Gogo Rose. She conveyed USA’s best wishes and prayers. Mothers’ Union in this area is thriving as they continue with their various projects including Food Pantry at Battered Women’s Shelters.

Nnewi: The diocese was officially inaugurated in 1996, but there has been an Anglican presence in the area since the early 1800s. It is a rich agricultural area and The Mothers’ Union activities reflect this by growing produce and providing training. Other activities include Evangelism with other churches, outreach to the needy including widows and the aged.

Lord Jesus, we ask you now to intercede
and bring peace of mind to those who pray for countries at war with each other.
Let them be aware that their prayers are not in vain.
For those in war torn areas,
we pray that God will manifest himself and ease their pain.

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