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Prayer Hour at St. Paul's Cathedral

Each month we have the privilege of meeting in the Middlesex Chapel in St Paul's Cathedral for our Prayer Hour between 11 am to 12 noon.

This is led by clergy, lay readers or members throughout the Diocese which gives its unique diversity each month.
We currently cannot hold our Prayer Hour in the Middlesex Chapel due to building works.
We have been relocated to the OBE Chapel in the Crypt with effect from 2022.

It has been decided by our Trustees for 2022 to offer members the choice to attend the Monthly Prayer Hours at the Cathedral or via Zoom. Therefore the prayer sessions will be set on alternate months in the Catheral or Zoom.

Programme for 2022 - Please go to Diary & Calendar Page for dates and more details about each session.

January & February were held via Zoom

March 2022 to be held at St Paul's Cathedral in the OBE Chapel
April 2022 to be held via Zoom
May 2022 to be held at St Paul's Cathedral in the OBE Chapel
June 2022 to be held via Zoom
July 2022 to be held at St Paul's Cathedral in the OBE Chapel - special guest Sheran Harper, Worldwide President- service will include our Wave of Prayer                                       

August 2022 - no prayer sessions are held in this month.

September 2022 to be held via Zoom
October 2022 to be held in St Paul's Cathedral in the OBE Chapel
November 2022 to be held via Zoom
December 2022 to be held at St Paul's Cathedral in the OBE Chapel

Details posted on 07/03/2022

Since March 2020 we have been unable to hold our Prayer Hour at St Paul's Cathedral due to Covid 19 and lockdown rules.

We are currently holding our monthly Prayer Hours via Zoom.


We would like to share with you Pat's Homily about HOPE:

  -Prayer hour 06.07.21.pdf-  

All the links to YouTube work on the PDF document therefore you can listen to the hymns or you may like to sing along.  The words to the hymns are on the recordings. 

Prayer Hour - December 2019



An amazing Session! Fr Gary was simply empowering as he explained to us why, as Christians, our first loyalty is to Christ and the Gospel.  That we should always walk in the in the Light of Christ. That "Shopping" or "the children" were not the real reason for Christmas.   That Christmas is "God stepping into the world to bring a new way of Life, a new life of Peace.

We also observed the 8th day of the 16 Days of Gender Based Violence Against Women and Girls and said the relevant prayers for the 8th day.

He guided everyone to Read the 24 Chapters of St Luke's Gospel, a Chapter per day, to understand the meaning of Advent and discover why the Advent Calendar has 24 doors!

It was a wonderful way to end the 2019 Prayer Hour Session on a Spiritual high note. The message was just Amazing! We all appreciated it.

With every blessing, Gogo-Rose


Photo: Fr. Preb. Gary Piper with some of our members.

Prayer Hour - October 2019 
Photo: Some of our members with Fr Mark Fletcher

The amazing Speaker at the October 8th  Prayer Hour Session at the Middlesex Chapel in St Paul's cathedral was Fr Mark Fletcher. So inspiring and uplifting was the message: That in times of turmoil as in these times we should continue to have faith and trust God who will make justice happen in accordance with Psalm 46.  God's reassuring promise of "Be still and know that I am God..." will lift our fears and uncertainties.

rayer Hour - June 2019

June Prayer Hour session held on Thursday 6th June 2019. 

We were richly blessed by the powerful Homily of Fr Stephen Taylor, who makes following Christ an easy process every Christian should embrace at all times and in all circumstances.  To God be the Glory.



Prayer Hour - February 2019

We had a classic Prayer Hour workshop in the February session. 
Pat Beazley leading the February Prayer Hour at the Middlesex Chapel in St Paul's Cathedral on Wednesday 13th against the backdrop of the renowned portrait of Jesus as Light of the World by William Holman Hunt hanging at the Altar of the Middlesex Chapel.

Pat led the group to explore the hidden meanings in the Portrait by careful examination of the 'lights' shown in the picture: the Lantern as the 'Light of Conscience' and the light around the head of Christ as the 'Light of Salvation'. 

Pat also spoke on how to identify the four areas of modern day slavery.
Look out for more on these topics in the next In Touch Magazine.

Prayer Hour - January 2019
Fr David Reindorp kicked off the 2019 Monthly Cathedral Prayer Hour Sessions on Tuesday, 15th January.
   Fr. David Reindorp with our DP Sue Johnson
   and Gogo-Rose Ilo our Faith and Policy Coordinator

                                      Fr David Reindorp with some of our members who attended the January Prayer Hour.
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