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Mary Sumner House
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17 Nov 2022
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)
Sheran Harper Worldwide President
13 Sep 2022
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Folake Roberts AVP Stepney
01 Sep 2022








Diocesan President's New Year Newsletter

Sue Johnson - 03 Feb 2020


Diocesan President’s New Year Letter
Dear Friends,
I hope you all had a blessed Christmas. Can’t believe January 2020 has already finished.
Fiona is brilliant at keeping you up to date with what is happening, if you’ve heard it before, I apologise but better to read it twice than not at all.
Branch leaders – I hope that you are well on the way to collecting your subscriptions and sending into the office so that we can submit to MSH on time. Experiencing difficulty please get in touch so, if we can, we can help.
Thank you all for all you do in keeping branches open, not an easy job, but necessary. Unfortunately branches are closing for various reasons but, hopefully, we are retaining the members as Diocesan members.
What we do need is new members, not just in your own church but spread the word to churches near you, if there is no branch.
I shall be speaking at my Deanery Synod this month so hopefully it may encourage interest.
I have also arranged to meet with a church in Paddington in the hope of opening a branch.
Please pray for growth.  
I have several items to share with you so here we go:-
Thursdays in Black – this campaign was relaunched in 2018 with the
 aim of encouraging people worldwide to wear black clothing on Thursdays as a reminder of the need to act against sexual violence in all its forms
Indoor members monthly reflection – Jenny Barton, Worldwide Trustee, has agreed to prepare a monthly reflection to send to Indoor Members, to help them to continue to feel part of the global movement.
Families Worldwide – latest edition can now be downloaded from the MU website. It is available in English, French, Spanish and Swahili – a challenge for you at meetings to deliver midday prayers in Swahili!!  The next edition will be mailed out week commencing Monday 6th April.
Families First – time for renewal in order to receive Spring edition on time. It will be jam packed with Mother’s Union news and stories – a worthwhile read. If you want a subscription form please let me know.
Make a Mother’s Day Appeal – this years theme is “gifts that grow” you should have already received info in the post. Please remember that you can also purchase in memory of your Mum.
Thy kingdom come – Service in Coventry Cathedral on Friday 22nd May. Would be great if we could have members from London present.
Annual Meeting, Belfast – the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich have mailed out details inviting members (or non members) to join them on their coach. Hopefully details are attached to this e mail.
Retreat 28th/1st March 2020 – response has been rather slow so if you haven’t returned your form yet please do and take advantage of a wonderful weekend. Rev Linda Liversidge is a brilliant facilitator and, I know, it will be a memorable time for all who attend. Never been before then give me a ring and I can explain what we do and what benefit, I hope, you will get from it.
In Touch – I am encouraged by the positive response of its new format. Please send in articles as events happen, don’t leave it to the last minute. I want it to be an overview of what Mothers Union is doing in London – our projects, fundraising, social events, meetings etc.
Big milestones are also important:-
Wedding anniversaries, birthdays 90+, long service membership.
The last 2 will receive recognition at our festival service so please let me know.
Prisonwork – I am feeling very hopeful for 2020.
I was very fortunate to attend the Carol Service in Wormwood Scrubs – what an awesome evening, read more about it in the next “In Touch”.
I have a meeting planned with Wormwood Scrubs and am now in contact with Pippa Weaver, London Volunteer Coordinator, at Pentonville. They are actively recruiting volunteers at the moment as they want to expand the opportunities that the children who are visiting have to play during visits. Great opportunities for us.
The Christmas cards that we donated to all the prisons were received very enthusiastically and Pentonville have requested again for this year.
Christmas Raffle – fantastic news that the winner came from our Diocese – yes there really are genuine winners. Congratulations to her.
It is fantastic that, to date, donations received in memory of Diane Willcocks has reached £1,675 and rising. Thank you all so much for your generosity.
We have also received £1,000 from the estate of Freda Hayes.
Please use our website to keep informed of future events
i.e Lady Day Services and Area Meetings
Edmonton: Lady Day, St Alphege Weds 25th March 7.30pm
                    Open meeting: Sat 30th May, St George’s, Freezywater
Kensington: Open Meeting, Saturday 27th June, St Hilda’s, Ashford
Willesden: Open Meeting, Saturday 12th September
Please pray for Susan Baker and her family, who, due to ill health, will not be taking on her role as our Provincial President.
Finally a message from our treasurer – please remember the general fund when sending in donations to London Mothers Union. Our office and our administrator are essential for our mission in the Diocese.
Thank you for all you do and will continue to do.
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